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We Interrupt The Peace of Morning, To Bring You.....

There is nothing like a cool, cloudy morning to start one's day off

There are subtle signs that the seasons are transitioning...
the birdsong is mellower and the birds have started to gather in flocks
along the telephone wires.

Spiders are busy spinning their webs, and the dew glistens in the early morning light.

The barnyard is quiet,
except for the low munching sound of equines enjoying breakfast.

The guineas and ducks have scattered to other corners of the farm,
taking their squawks, quacks, and murmurs along with them.

It's the kind of morning that slows the heart, lowers the blood pressure,
and quiets the mind.


Yes, that is the otherworldly sound of hungry pigs...
which, of course, they always are,
thanks to their lacking of one specific satiety gene.
That's right... pigs are unable to ever feel satiated.
They live with a feeling of hunger all of the time.
That explains a lot!

Once fed, they quickly quiet and set to the task of consuming their meal.
When finished, they head out to the pasture to continue their meal....

which basically continues until the next time they are fed their pellets...
at bedtime.
Luckily, after this bedtime snack, they peacefully sleep all night.

I mentioned that the morning glories are glorious right now.
These happy flowers come up from seed each summer...
seed from the previous years' volunteers.
I planted some years ago and have not needed to replant them since.

The colors are varied...

and they end up everywhere clinging and climbing on anything available.

I only wish they started blooming earlier in the season!

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