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Wild Bird Wednesday - Capturing a 1st.

Today I am super excited in joining Stewart (Paying Ready Attention) for WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY.

Last Wednesday after Coleen got out of school we went up to Rooks Park and I walked up to Mill Creek to take some pictures.  As I was walking towards the creek I spotted something white flying in the air but I couldn't see what it was nor where it went.  I happened to spot a guy with a camera looking towards where I was but still could see what he was looking at.  He was on the other side of the bank and I watched him and his dog walk on up the trail.  Then I turned and headed in his direction and it was then I spotted this:

This was still pretty far off so I hurried on up the trail and told my daughter to head down and get Coleen so she could see the bird too.

As I got closer and closer I begin to take more & more pictures.

I like the way the geese here are standing.

Neat to get the geese, some ducks and the Egret in the same shot.

  I think this may be one of my favorite shots I got of the Egret.

Now it's turned the other direction.

Seems to be checking the ducks out.

Coleen loves this shot.  She says it looks like they are "kissing."

I could have watched this bird all day.  At first I thought it was a (Snowy Egret) but upon looking it up I discovered this is referred to as a Great Egret or a Common Egret.  To me there was nothing "common" about it and I was thrilled beyond belief to actually see it and photograph it.

I hope you've enjoyed my photos of this 1st for me.

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