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Giveaway winner

Before I get to the winner, I wanted to take a moment and answer some of the comments I usually get whenever I have one of these giveaways.

People always want to know why I'm giving away books. I am a bookseller, after all. Well, I suppose it's partially because contests send a lot of traffic to the site, or because I have a book coming out in a few months, or any number of practical reasons.

Truth is, these giveaways are a ton of fun. I love checking on all the comments and messages, seeing who is out there reading the blog, where they're from. I love the excitement you all have for these old books, it really makes love my job as a bookseller. Basically, I offer these giveaways to you all because I love doing it.

Anyway, enough of that - there is a winner out there.

Lots (and lots) of entries to sort through. Entries from Forgottenbookmarks.com, Twitter, Facebook, even a few from my friends at r/bookcollecting on Reddit.

After sorting them out and feeding the list into random.org, I was left with one entry. I'm happy to announce that @JenandthePen is our shelf and books winner. She entered over on Twitter.

Many many thanks to everyone for participating, you make these giveaways the highlight of my week.

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