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Yes, they were all a little biased back then.

It might not surprise you to know that a 1920 cartoon by the adored Max Fleischer entitled THE CHINAMAN incorporates some biased or racist gags in the storyline. In fact, we as seasoned animation enthusiasts for the most part have become somewhat expecting of these realities that were all too commonplace in the earlier decades of film.
The film in question had seen post-theatrical distribution namely on television as part of the Bray Studios TV library; in the same way other early cartoons were seen on kiddie TV shows in the 1950s. The only difference is that later version had been cut.
Thanks to the wonders of "home movie" film distribution slightly earlier in the 1930s and 1940s, here for your enjoyment is a brief though UNEDITED clip from the cartoon. For those of you who have seen the common version you will probably notice a couple differences. Enjoy, as always.

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