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Trigonal Planar.


Marc by Marc Jacobs Leola Zipper Leather Tote - Cotton On Carly Crop Top - Low Luv by Erin Wasson Aztec Ring - Fashionology Silver Claw Ring - Low Luv by Erin Wasson Crater Bangle - Therapy Crossfire Boots - Low Luv by Erin Wasson Faceted Boulder Ring - Forever21 Chain Fringe Triangle Scarf - Agent99 Chain and Chain Neck - Acne Coral Silk Tie-dye Shorts

Feeling very flat today. Not boring-flat - just *flat-hand-gesture*-flat. So let's go monochrome and silver, shall we? I'm hoping that those boots will soon be the new loves of my life, as well as those Acne shorts over a much longer time frame. I think my love for Low Luv by Erin Wasson is pretty evident - it all speaks for itself. I mean, it's Erin Wasson. And Low Luv. :)

This week has had me absolutely exhausted, drained and all those grey, doldrums-y words that make you want to eat kids' picture books to trigger some form of non-work-related brain activity. But hey, it's FRIDAY.

What are all your plans for the weekends?

Mine are to:
  1. Hunt down those boots
  2. Work on some alterations of vintage pieces I've found (shall definitely share)
  3. Do a heap of work that's due soon
  4. Eat a square of 85% cocoa dark chocolate (it's actually very challenging)
  5. Find Polaroid (type 600) film that doesn't cost $500 million


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