If I were asked to recommend my candidate for best (meaning most useful) genealogy magazine, Family Tree Magazine would be my choice, hands down.
Family Tree Magazine is published six issues per year and subscription costs $25 (less for a digital subscription). Each issue is chock-full of useful ideas and resources. Couple times a year they have lists of "75 Best Genealogy Website for ____" Could be U.S. research, could be state-by-state resources, etc. Each issue has Collectible State Guides that easily pull out from the center of the magazine. The Dec 2019 issue featured New York and North Dakota. There are dozens of other regular features always worth my time to read. What are your kids getting you for Christmas?????? Wouldn't you like this better than a sweater?? Call 888-403-9002 to subscribe or send an email to familytree@emailcustomerservice.com
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