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Word Association: The 12 Days of Christmas

 I love Christmas music, and usually switch to listening to it solely on Thanksgiving night until Christmas day itself. The other night I was listening to the 12 Days of Christmas and when they sang "Four Calling Birds" an image of Larry Bird flashed into  my mind...and then I thought to myself I can get a post out of this! Now, I'm not going to stack like the song does...just go through it once. I'll try to come up with something that relates to the gifts in the classic song. Of course, I may have to change the words a little... Here we go!

On the 12th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 12 drummers drumming...Andre Drummonds

11 pipers piping...players for the former Pittsburgh Pipers (this would have been so much easier if I was a wrestling collector)

10 Lords-a-Leaping...Lord OF Leaping...

9 Ladies dancing...racing

8 Maids-a-milking...uh, got milk racecars?

7 swans-a-swimming...uh, I got nothing. 7 the only card I have that references Swan. I'm sure Jedi know how to swim, right?

6 geese-a-laying...Geese Ausbie

5 Golden Rings (each player won exactly 5 NBA Championships, which gives a golden ring to the winner- one I can use as is!)

4 calling Birds

3 French hens...men

2 turtle doves...cards

and a Partridge in a Pear Tree! and a card of the Partridge family! 

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