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Scenario #6: The Lizard King's Encampment

This is for characters of levels 4-7 and is set on one of the islands on the northern edge of Dhiki Namazzi, the sea between the Serpent Peninsula mainland and Thanegia Island. I hope it can be included while running X6: Quagmire, as an example of the bases used by the lizardmen to attack Quagmire and other human settlements on the islands. 

The encampment consists of an outside palisade and wooden outbuildings set against the base of a rocky cliff, and a dungeon set into the cliff.

  1. Gatehouse: 3 lizardfolk are on guard here. The gates are sturdy, simple and wooden, with a sliding bar to lock from the inside.
  2. Watchtowers: These are wooden structures 20' tall with 2 levels each. 2a and 2c have a lizardman each on watch at the top here, but 2b and 2d are empty. Each lizardman has a gong that he should ring if he spots trouble but each one is also asleep 50% of the time. 
  3. Slave Huts, These contain human prisoners, seized from Yavdlom towns and villages, including from the city of Quagmire. The doors are locked from the outside and the slavemaster has the keys. The slaves will be grateful to be set free and even more grateful if given passage to civilised lands. If the PCs free them and help them get away from the compound they should be awarded XP according to their XP value. If treated well, Barteus and Onnoli may offer to become henchmen.
    3a. 4 normal humans,  + 1 2nd level fighter (Barteus, human male, Str 14, Int 10, Wis 8 Dex 13, Con 10, Cha 12,, hp 3 (normally 8), Al L). These are sailors captured from a Minrothrad trading ship that weighed anchor in the wrong bay. 
    3b. 4 normal humans + 1 1st L magic user (Onnoli, human female, Str 8, Int 16, Wis 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Cha 15, hp 1 (normally 3) Al N). These have been captured from the city of Quagmire and can guide PCs to the city. 
    3c. Empty
    3d. 2 normal humans (fishermen from Yavldom)
  4. Dungeon guardroom: In here are 2 lizardfolk and a Calacorm. They have a gong they will ring if they encounter intruders that should alert the slavemaster in room 5
  5. Slavemaster's Quarters. Here is a two-headed lizardman who is in charge of all the slaves in the compound. Underneath a loose flagstone is his treasure: 460gp, 1200sp and 3 amethyst gems worth 100gp each. 
  6. Empty apart from 5 carved murals showing triumphant lizardmen defeating hapless humans. The murals are actually quite artistic (if you don;t mind the subject matter) and could sell for 100gp each, though they weigh 400lb each, 
  7. 2 giant geckos are kept here as guards and pets. 
  8. Lizardman living quarters: Here are 6 lizardfolk (male and female) basking near a wood-fuelled brazier 
    8a. 3 lizardfolk young 
    8b. 5 lizardfolk young 
  9. Eastern bathing pool. Here is a large pool of dirty water where 2 lizardmen are wallowing to keep their skin moist. There are also 7 eggs the size of footballs around the edge of the pool. 
  10. Feasting chamber. Here are the partially devoured remains of various creatures (humanoid and animals) + 2 lizardfolk and 1 giant gecko feasting on what's left of a marsh antelope. 
  11. Northern bathing pool. This is the lair of 3 calacorms
  12. The Deep Pool. The east side of this room is dominated by a pool of water over 20' deep. Inside lurks a giant octopus (AC 7, Mv 60'/120' swim, HD 6, hp 27, THAC0 14, Att 8 x tentacles for 1d3 each, Save F3, Ml 7, Int 2, Al N, XP 275, see Creature Collection for special rules and more details) that will lash out and attack any intruders. Inside the pool is a single exceptionally large amber gem worth 1000gp but it can only be found if someone dives in and searches the bottom of the pool (1 in 20 chance per round without underwater light, 1 in 4 chance per round with underwater light)
  13. 1 gator man (AC 3, Mv 120'/180' swim, HD 7, hp 35, THAC0 13, Att 1 bite/1 weapon for 3d6/1d10+3, Save F7, Ml 10, Int 7, Al C, XP 450, see Creature Collection for more details). It wields a two-handed sword +1. In a ceramic urn up against a wall is the gator man's treasure: 4 gold ingots worth 100gp each, 360gp, 2100sp. a gold and garnet ring worth 300gp, a set of 4 silver goblets worth 80gp each and matching silver pitcher worth 200gp. The gator man is the lizard king's main muscle and battle champion. 
  14. 1 two-headed lizardman + 3 normal lizardfolk
  15. Weapons & stores. This room is full of boxes including various crude swords, clubs and axes, as well as construction and excavation equipment such as ropes, pick-axes, hammers and buckets.
  16. Pit trap and illusory chest: The northeast part of this room is a concealed pit. In the northeast corner there is a the illusion of a treasure chest, brimming over with coins and gems. Magic detection will reveal it is an illusion, and so will trying to touch it - solid things like hands pass through it as if it were a hologram. In terms of noticing the pit, dwarves have a chance to notice the slight change in stonework and Detect Traps spell also works. Thieves get a +20% bonus on Find Traps rolls as it is not properly concealed (of course, the thief must be actively searching for traps). If anyone heavier than 50lb steps onto the trap, it opens up, dropping the creature down into a 30' deep pit for 3d6 damage. After dropping a victim in, the counterweight mechanism starts to close up the trap door (closes in 1d4+1 round) unless it is somehow wedged open. 
  17. 1 Lizard king (AC 3, Mv 150'/120' swim, HD 8, hp 36, THAC0 12, Att 1 weapon for 3d6+2, Save F8, Ml 12, Int 10, Al C, XP 650, see AD&D Fiend Folio for more details)+ chest with 2000gp, 200pp and a golden crown studded with emeralds and peridots worth 1500gp. 
  18. 2 giant geckos
  19. 4 lizardfolk are wallowing in the western bathing pool. Dotted around are 6 football-sized eggs. 
  20. Troglodyte lair: 6 troglodytes (AC 5, Mv 120', HD 2*, hp 9, THAC0 18, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4 + stench [opponents in melee must save vs poison or suffer -2 to hit from nausea], Save F2, Ml 9, Int 10, Al C, XP 25). Scattered loose in a corner is the gang's treasure: 550gp, 2900sp and a bag of 5 zircon gems worth 50gp each. These troglodytes are mercenaries hired by the lizard king to keep the various inhabitants in line. However, because of the stink they cause, they have been contained in this one room and the door is kept shut in an attempt to keep the smell in. 
  21. Shrine. This room contains a large pool on the south side, about 3' deep and murky and smelly. There is a shiny metal statue in the water of a grotesque lizard-toad thing about 3' high. However, it is highly electrified and anyone touching it will suffer 2d6 lightning damage. Detect Magic will show an unidentifiable aura around the statue while Detect Traps will tell the caster that the statue is a trap. However, it is magical, not mechanical so thieves cannot use find/remove traps skill. The lizardfolk and other reptilian residents believe it to be the image of a chaotic demigod and treat it with great reverence. At the base of the electrified statue is a name carved in the saurian language: "Laogzed"
Wandering monsters - Should the PCs stay in one place too long there is a 1 in 6 chance per turn of encountering wandering monsters - roll 1d10:
1-5: 1d4+1 lizardfolk
6-7: 1 calacorm
8-9: 1 giant gecko
10: 1 two-headed lizardman

Commonly used stats:
Lizardfolk (male or female): AC 5, Mv 60', HD 2+1, hp 10, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon for 1d6+1, Save F2, Ml 10, Int 6, Al N, XP 25 
Lizardfolk Young: AC 7, Mv 60', HD 1/2, hp 2 THAC0 20, Att 1 bite for 1d2, Save NM, Ml 7, Al N, XP 5
Calacorm, AC 6, Mv 120', HD 3+3, hp 17, THAC0 16, Att 2 weapons for 1d6+1/1d6+1, Save F3, Ml 8, Int 8, Al C, XP 75
Lizard, Giant Gecko: AC 5, Mv 120', HD 3+1, hp 15, THAC0 16, Att 1 bite for 1d8, Save F2, Ml 7, Int 2, Al N, XP 50
Two-Headed Lizardman: AC 5, Mv 90', HD 4+2, hp 20, THAC0 15, Att 2 weapons/2 bites for 1d6+1/1d6+1/1d4/1d4, Save F4, Ml 10, Int 7, Al C, XP 125

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