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Kampfgruppe Pieper vs. Glider Engineers in Pincer

Some pictures from a recent game against Owen. He ran Kampgruppe Pieper from Devil's Charge and I ran the US Glider Engineers from Nuts. The scenario was Pincer. It was only after we started playing that we realised we had got the Eastern Front building out. Woops!

The start of turn 1 - Lots of Panzer IVs and halftracks spearhead their way towards the dug in Americans

Owen uses his medium and heavy mortars to lay down some smoke ready for an assault

US M4A3 (76mm) Shermans ambush the Panzer IVs...

... killing three and the 2iC

Halftracks go in for the mounted assault, and gut the platoon of Engineers

Multiple bombardments from Heavy Mortars and 105s should be devastating on the Shermans, but aren't

Forced to dismount, but the Panzergrenadiers are still in the fight

M18 Hellcats sweep in to deal with German reinforcements, killing the AA halftracks and turning their .50cals on the infantry

The Sherman 76s finally deal with the German 1iC

Mortars and machine guns are incredibly effective against the Hellcats. My dice are cursed, cursed I tells thee!!! (OK, might not be the dice)

The evening is getting on, and we want our KFC, so instead of carefully pulling Owen's remaining platoons apart for the 6-1 win, I assault with the remnants of the Engineers and then the 2 remaining trained Shermans, losing both understrength platoons, and more importantly no longer contesting the objective. 4-3 to Owen.

This was a fun game, and it was an opportunity to try some lists we are thinking of for Sturm Uber Deutschland in November. I am currently torn between a more defensive list like the Engineers, or something all out attack, with my own variation of Kampgruppe Pieper. I've got until Friday to decide.

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