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Change of Plans

A girl's allowed to change her mind.  And I've changed mine.  I'm still going to start something new and enjoy writing something longer, exploring characters in greater detail (including secondary characters) and allowing myself to indulge in describing scenery and the weather and maybe food, who knows.  But when I've had my literary holiday, I won't be returning to Aiden and Emily. 

I've decided to give them a holiday of their own.  Like any good comfort food, they need to be allowed to simmer on low heat for a while and then I'll come back, add some seasoning, stir things up and serve up a partial for consideration. 

I'm still having problems deciding which of my ideas is the best one to dive into.   Each time I read through my plot outlines for the ideas I get caught up and think "Yep this is the one" but then I look at the next one and think exactly the same thing.  Remembering Potter Moon and Amiata are the two oldest ideas and Dear Miss Preston and Queen of the Fey are more recent gifts from a newly discovered muse.   Honestly I think it's down to Amiata and Dear Miss Preston but they're so different but both really exciting ideas..........maybe that's it: I can start both and then see where they take me.

Okay off to find photos of maisonettes in Holland Park in London and research Italian donkeys.  Go on admit it, you're intrigued aren't you?

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