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We do WHAT we want, WHEN we want, WHERE we want!

Home sweet home...   Back from a business trip to Osaka where it rained bucketfuls (bad) and where I found a very cozy English-style pub (good).

No pictures of anything today, but I did find this amusing clip on YouTube. It's from the BBC TV series on Beau Brummell, where a pair of  Regency Dandies run into some (by then old-fashioned) Fops. 

For obvious reasons it struck me as being a funny metaphor for some of the strife that surfaces from time to time on the Napoleonic boards at TMP.  The next time someone tells me that I may as well be fantasy gaming for using 1812 uniforms in 1809 scenarios, or  hints that I'm in some way mentally deficient or lazy for painting the wrong shade of green on the shako pom-poms, I'll just post this in reply.

Love that line;  "...and they wash!..."


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