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Verdenskang - And it's there,tape,1985,Italy(Alien Brains/Organum related!)

Nigel Jacklin was the founding member of Alien Brainsa DIY noise/experimental band started by Nigel when hewas still at school in the late 1970’s. The school inquestion was Oundle a public school near Peterborough.Convincing the music teacher that their music “wasjust like John Cage” Nigel arranged for ThrobbingGristle to perform at the school on the 16th March1980. The concert was subsequently released on videoand apparently all but ended in a riot. (An extract ofthe performance can be seen on YouTube at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAX0ahuNcNo)
Moving to London Nigel released a number of AlienBrains tapes on such labels as Deleted Records,Fashionable Trousers and Snatch Tapes often featuringcollaborations with other like-minded experimentalistsincluding the Rupenus Brothers (New Blockaders), DavidJackman (Organum) and Philip Sanderson (SnatchTapes/Storm Bugs). A collaboration with the RupenusBrothers and Neil Purvis called Live at the Basementwas released recently in 2007on vinyl by Tub of Gutsin a limited edition of 200. A track by Alien Brainswas also featured on the 2006 Vinyl on Demand LPSnatch Paste.
Initially highly prolific gradually in the early 1980’s Nigel Jacklin’s output began to decreaseending with a final and arguably the best tape calledVerdenskang - And it's there. The tape credits saythat it was made in co-operation with: PhilipSanderson, Meat Means Bloody Murder, David Jackman andintroducing: Zena. The level of “co-operation” of thevarious parties is unclear as there is not track bytrack analysis but it seems likely from comments bysome of the parties that the tape includes extractsfrom both live appearances and recordings made onlocations at various sites including a South Londonschool, Ealing College, an abandoned swimming pool inNotting Hill and perhaps most exotically PuertoD'alcala, The Valley Of Assisi and Wisebach. Thoughreleased in 1985 Verdenskang is in effect a documentof collaborations from 1981-85. The tape isundoubtedly uneven but in places quite brilliant withsome exquisite drone and collage work that is up therewith the best of the New Blockaders. Organum and StormBugs work.
Thanks to Claire Thomas for this!

***************NEW LINK POSTED SEPTEMBER 2012***************

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