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Good things come in small packages

I recently acquired this lovely little Morton E. Converse House. It was made about 1910-1920, I believe (please correct me if I am wrong).

The house was offered in three sizes. It is printed paper over wood.

This is the smallest version - only about 12" high - and originally sold for 69¢. It is in excellent condition except for the fading and wear on the gable.

Please come in and look around. It won't take long.

The front of the house swings open, veranda and all, and the roof lifts off. As you can see the wallpaper, rugs, curtains and architectural detail is all  there - printed on.

I particularly like the bird cage and the potted plant in the upper windows.

It's not a very spacious house, but a couple of tootsietoy chairs and a radio make the living room comfortable.

And upstairs there is room for a tootsietoy bed and rocking chair

I hope you enjoyed your visit. Y'all come back and see us sometime.


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