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Return of the flock

The ewes and lambs have returned from a two month sojourn on a friend's smallholding. This has given a chance for our grazing to have rest and help improve the pasture. In their absence I have harrowed, over-seeded and mown. The main field had been manured by the flock early spring and the welcome downpours we have had this summer have broken it down and washed it in. No need for artificial fertiliser. They have some good grass to see them through late summer. This will help grow the lambs on and improve the condition of the ewes ready for tupping in the autumn, especially now that the lambs have been weaned.

Return of the Flock, Leren by Anton Mauve, 1838-88

In practice their return was not quite so romantic: two
20 minute trips with the trailer and an extra hour
coaxing, chasing and finally rugby tackling the last lamb. 

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