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Reminder: Add Your Suggestions: Crime fiction to give for Christmas

This is one of two memes that I will be running that have a Christmas theme.

In this one which will run from now until Christmas I'm asking for your suggestions for crime fiction books to give for Christmas.

You may like to create a special page on your blog and list some books there, or alternatively link to already posted reviews on your blog of books you think would make good presents.

Please complete the details in the Mr. Linky below.
  1. Suggested format  BOOK TITLE, author name - your name
  2. Please link to the actual post on your blog, not just the blog itself.
  3. In your post or your blog, please link back to this page, and feel free to use the image I've created.
  4. You may link to more than one blog post if you wish
  5. Links not complying with the above will be edited or removed altogether.
Thanks for your participation

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