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Pasta MacGyver

I'm a planner. It is an innate part of my personality. It's something I am increasingly trying to change. Fear not, I will maintain a certain amount of my type A personality. I will always be a list maker and have goals. But...I am trying to introduce a little more spontaneity into my life, every aspect of my life. Believe me when I say it can be life changing. Let go of the control sometime and just go with the flow. You might like it too. 

At first glance it might seem like there is no connection between this epiphany of mine and a recipe but it is actually a perfect example. Last night my Sweet Hubby was going to grill something for dinner when it started raining. In the past this wrench in my plan would have thrown me for a loop, instead I decided to throw a pasta meal together. I find myself putting together spontaneous pasta dinners more and more often. Sweet Hubby said I am the MacGyver of pasta hence the name for this recipe made entirely with things I found in my kitchen last night.

Pasta MacGyver
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
12 oz bag Trader Joe's frozen artichokes
28 oz crushed tomatoes
pinch of red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
4 leftover chicken sausages, sliced
fresh angel hair pasta from the farmer's market
Parmesan cheese

Saute onion in butter and olive oil until translucent. Add garlic and cook for a few more minutes, then add artichokes and saute until warmed. Add crushed tomatoes and seasonings. (I wish I had thought to run out to the garden and get some fresh basil- yum). Slice leftover chicken sausage and add to sauce and let simmer while cooking pasta. Top pasta with sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and thank God for the rain that forced you to create something you never would have made otherwise.

The beauty of this meal is that you can make it your own with whatever you have on hand. 

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