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Mehndi Hands....

belonging to a friend!!

How beautiful is this henna?  Some will know I love henna - you only have to see my feet!

Apparantly this pattern, being more floral is Arabic.

Henna art is quite a skill. The henna is applied, usually freehand straight from the tube and as you can see is a dark green almost black. 

The trick then is to leave it on until it dries without smudging! 
Claire had to drive home so carefully!

Here it is once dried, I really like the colour. 
To preserve the colour Claire was advised to use lemon juice. 
A friend who has a beauty salon advises her clients to use menthol rub!
 For me, I think it looks more beautiful as it fades.

Back soon to tell you about my trip to Palnackie!

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