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Media Criticism is NOT the job of the WaPo Media Critic

From the Howie the Putz's "Putz Chat" going on now:

Washington, D.C.: I think that one of the best points made in the last few weeks in this White House/FOX kerfuffle was made by the Daily Show. There was a big gay rights march in D.C. last weekend and FOX spent about 4 minutes on it, compared with literally weeks and weeks of coverage of a similarly-sized march by the Tea Partiers, complete with live on-the scene coverage. I was surprised you didn't touch on this at all. It's a perfect example of even though FOX does "news" during the day, that "news" is driven by conservative talking points.

Howard Kurtz: You mean that Fox News devoted more attention to the tea-party protests (cheered on by some of its hosts) than to the gay rights demonstration? That is truly shocking.

Yes, your sarcasm over news bias is totally not appropriate for someone as well-healed as you Howard.

Now back to whether Balloon Boy has any thoughts on David Letterman's sex life?...

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