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Internet panties, etc.

from ThinkGeek.com

Two very cool findings:

If you are new to blogging, or just want to learn a little more HTML, this site is very helpful. It allows you to edit some sample HTML on the left side of the screen, and with one click see the result on the other side of the screen. This without messing up your own blog. You can cut and paste code you like to your blog template when you're done. Wicked.

Also, if you have lots of time to waste online (and who doesn't?) this is extremely cool. You may have to download Shockwave 10, but it's worth it. h/t to Spork who got it from Drifty. Love on you boys.

'Course Blue Gal won't be playing with that for a few weeks. She's summering (that is SO not a verb) in a blue state which is cool, lovely, and fun, but the house is on dial-up. The miracle of transcontinental air travel means that Saturday your Alabama neighbor has scraped the W sticker off her white Cadillac Esplanade, and two days and a couple thousand miles later, your Washington State neighbor still has the Kucinich sticker on her 1985 Volvo. I like it here.

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