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Bullet To The Head

I'm looking forward to Sylvester Stallone's upcoming crime/action flick, Bullet To The Head. I'll admit, though, that I'm mostly intrigued by the fact that it's the first feature film that Walter Hill has directed since 2002's Undisputed (which, I have to say, I've never seen). I am generally a fan of Hill's films, though, especially stuff like The Warriors, The Long Riders, 48 Hours, Streets Of Fire, Crossroads, Johnny handsome, Trespass, Last Man Standing and Extreme Prejudice.

And yeah, I like Stallone a lot, too. Bullet To The Head, based on a French graphic novel called Headshot (or, more precisely, Du plomb dans la tête, which roughly translates to "Lead in the Head"), by Alexis Nolent (aka "Matz"), hits theaters on February 1st.

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