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A Week of Pictures

Has it really been a week since I wrote a post for this blog?? Looks like it is so!  I'll take a look at my pictures to see what may be interesting.....

Our backyard last Tuesday -

Our backyard today -

Amazing how much it's changed!
(Taken through the window because I couldn't get it to go up.....therefor, not the best pic!)

Last Wednesday evening, the kiddos had a Trunk and Treat at the church where they go to Awana. I had heard of Trunk or Treat but didn't know what it was. Did you ever hear of it? Seems like many churches in this area are doing it. I found out that people decorate the trunks of their cars and hand out treats! So cool!! The kids had fun. 

Baby Bear is too cute! 

They are all dressed up again and out in our neighborhood Trick or Treating with their parents and a bunch of neighbors :)

Saturday was a beautiful day, not cold. That evening our church had the hayride which we do every year. Most years it's freezing outside. Last year was extremely cold.....snow flurry cold. This year I was warm enough in a vest and long sleeve top. Crazy!

I enjoy sitting by the fire while the rest of my gang goes on the hayride. A fun evening with my church family and many from the community that saw it advertised. 

Sunday afternoon it was 80 degrees!! I enjoyed sitting on my porch. 

(I think the color came out even more overnight!)

Corey and Christy and the kids enjoyed a game of croquet in the front yard. Pop Pop took the little one for a stroller ride. 

As I was enjoying the beautiful afternoon, the sky suddenly became filled with dark clouds. 

Angry looking clouds on one side....

Sunshine on the other. 

It wasn't long till it got very windy, lighting and rain. The temperature dropped to the 60's in a hurry. Wow, what a day! 

Our kids came over that evening. Our house was filled with noise, laughter, conversation, children playing, and my soul was full! 

Pictures from today.....

So pretty around here!

Lots of leaves blew up on the porch yesterday....I let them there. Kinda like that look ;-)

Some of the kids who came to our door this evening....

Of course, these two live here :)

So much fun for the kids!! And the parents, too. We live in a wonderfully friendly neighborhood. 

Tonight I watch The Voice. Love that show!! 

God Bless you everyone <3

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