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A Sunday Review

This week's movie was The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones Chapter 13: Adventures in the Secret Service (Austria and Petrograd, 1917) - Two stupid royals and Indiana Jones, then Indy hanging out with the Bolsheviks. This one had a ton of suspense, lots of drama, lots of power. I enjoyed it. Again, the extra documentaries are incredible. I just with that I could see the original series as it aired, with the framing sequences.

All the Paths of Shadow by Frank Tuttle. A young mage is tested to her utmost abilities as everything goes wrong all at once during a rare meeting of all the kingdoms of the land. I always like a strong female protagonist, and this book has got the goods. Add in a snarky familiar that I sincerely doubt most people would guess at, a real-world analogy that could go oh-so-many directions, and some genuinely terrifying moments and yeah, this one's a keeper. In fact, like a lot of young adult novels I've read lately, this one had me checking to see if the sequel was out yet. No, not yet, more's the pity.

This week's comic book related review is Ruse: The Victorian Guide to Murder by Mark Waid, Mirco Piefederici and Minck Oosterveer. We got the original Ruse series from CrossGen, but waited for the trade on this Marvel edition. I think that was a wise choice. It wasn't a bad story, but it definitely read well in trade format. It's a good adventure, and I'd forgotten how much I like Emma and her burden of responsibility. Without the extra strangeness of the whole link to the CrossGen universe, this book has a lot of potential for really good stories. I hope we get to see more.

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