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She's Got the Lowdown in her Free Fiction Files.

 There's a ton of ebooks, including a few for the Nook,  from several sources, there a new weekly episode of Strange Horizons, and audio SF at LibriVox.  Remember, most e-books are only available for free for a limited time.

• At Strange Horizons: "Difference of Opinion" by Meda Kahn. Science Fiction.
     "Problem is Keiya's brain never told her to paste her lips upright if she wants people to be nice. It's the IQ machine. She's been told she'd make a very good robot, all things considered."

• At Strange Horizons: "Triptych" by Jane Crowley. Poem.

Audio Fiction
• At LibriVox: "Murder Maddness" by Murray Leinster, read by Richard Kilmer. Science Fiction
     "Murder Madness! Seven Secret Service men had completely disappeared. Another had been found a screaming, homicidal maniac, whose fingers writhed like snakes. So Bell, of the secret "Trade," plunges into South America after The Master--the mighty, unknown octopus of power whose diabolical poison threatens a continent!"

• At Strange Horizons: "Difference of Opinion" by Meda Kahn. Science Fiction.
     "Problem is Keiya's brain never told her to paste her lips upright if she wants people to be nice. It's the IQ machine. She's been told she'd make a very good robot, all things considered."

At Amazon: [via Pixel-of-Ink]
At Free eBooks Daily:
At Amazon: [Via Freebook Sifter]
At Smashwords:
At Barnes & Noble: [via Penny Pinchin' Mom]

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